Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Monopoly Alan Turing Edition

Here's another of my nomimations for coolest dude ever - Alan Turing. Now not only did Alan Turing save millions of lives and not only is he widely regarded as the father of computing (and thus, ultimately, the reason we get to play Halo 4 instead of working up chimneys or watching paint dry) but he also now also has Monopoly game to celebrate his life and works - how many other cool people do you know who can say that?

The BBC reports that "The life of computer pioneer Alan Turing has been commemorated in a special edition of Monopoly. The board's London landmarks, and its Community and Chance cards, have been swapped for places and events important in Turing's life."

Google have bought 1000 sets and donated them to Bletchley Park to help raise funds (for Bletchley Park, not for Google).

For more information about Alan Turing please check out this fascinating website by Andrew Hodges author of Alan Turing: the enigma.

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